After a week of recovery...I've had some time to reflect, rest, and relax...a little. The aftermath of the Valentine's is mostly over. The state of my store no longer looks like it has been covered in Pepto Bismol and plastered with chocolates, balloons, and enough rose petals to cover most of Provo...ok, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, not much but a little. Going in to this Valentine's I wanted to do 2 things...
1. Survive (as I had half the staff I did last year and projections of doing much more than we did last year...)
2. Have a Valentine of my own to help soften the stress of this holiday for me...
I am happy to say that I have survived...I am also happy to say that I had many Valentine's of my own! Before you go thinking that I think too much of myself or that I'm spreading my way all over Provo...my Valentine's were not conventional, but Valentine's nonetheless and they were spread over the period of 2 weeks, as my Valentine's prep and execution takes about that long or a little longer. I want to publicly thank and tell of the most genuine, heartfelt Valentine's I have ever received...it is incredibly touching to receive so much love and realize how many people think about me during this time and are willing to help out or send little tokens that they know who I am and care about me!
1.Liz, Marci, Deeds-as usual they pitched in to help-Liz has done this for 3 years running, Marci & Deeds for two-and can I say, I have no idea what I'd do without their help...their "lying skills," when people say, "You're the professional, do what you think is best..." At this point, I believe they are really becoming professionals.
2. A general Valentine of roommates, friends, and family that realize after working 13-15 hour days for 2 weeks, that I need help, and even though I have trouble asking for it, they excuse my tired appearance, lack of energy and interaction, and provide, without being asked, meals, witch doctoring, and compliments to appearance, which I KNOW are false! Carly also provided several meals even though her head was bothering her. She takes such good care of Jenna and I.
3. Super/Emergency Friends-Sam and Raegan...both former employees, and much more than that...AMAZING friends. Sam is getting ready to take the DAT and Raegan has her hands full with an elementary school class and the politics of being a teacher. However, both came in to help out the whole time which literally strengthened me. I miss seeing my "sister" on a regular basis so it was a good excuse for us to spend time together, even if that time involved running around and just standing next to each other because we were both tired. And Sam...is just my misc guy...he fills any and every role he needs to at work and does it with a happy spirit and sometimes a bow tie :)
4. The many treats I received- La came in early in the week with some favorites, Katy and Kath brought a V-day survival kit which included Selena Gomez valentines (!), fav drinks, treats, cute pens, clips...and maybe some cute unmentionables (haha). Danielle and Steph dropped by on the nights of with a similar survival kit with Hot Tamales, a cute pic with me and my Dani Jane and an essential Vanity Fair magazine featuring Justin Bieber! Mills dropped by with my favorite drink, David and Kath brought me food on Vday, which I struggled to eat because I was SO busy, but had they not, I might have passed out from all the running around (this blog kind of makes me sound like a crazy person, however until you have experienced a Valentine's Day in Provo, UT, you cannot understand. I somehow manage to make it the most organized chaos possible and keep Provo full of love!) Kyshel also brought me a Jamba and one of the most heartfelt Vday cards I have ever recieved...it is obviously hanging on the boards in my room.
5. My regular staff was incredible. Despite being down in numbers and some of them being new-they rocked it! The combo of Kayleen and Kamien (the owner's daughter-who helps me out every year, don't know what I'd do without her) was so great that I got to go home on time one day and sleep in one morning-a totally new experience for me during regular times, much less during a holiday! We held a few contests for which they all stepped up for-I need to hand out those prizes!
6. Todd and Andrew to the rescue! The boys had been telling me they'd help out all week if I needed them. All were so supportive of me all week, which really helped and on the day of-I had way more deliveries than anticipated (a good thing but enough to put me a little on edge-I called for help and they were here within record time to take some out and offers to bring me anything I needed)
7. Post V-day: many hugs, laughs, reviews, and a few tears-I came home ready to fall in to bed and got a call from Jeffrey-followed by a visit from him, Bjorn, and Andrew. Ice cream from the creamery (first time I'd ever had it actually...), lots of laughing, a poem from Andrew and Jeffrey (also posted on my boards), and a classy Bolivian commercial viewed on youtube from Bjorn.
8. Lots of check-ins and support from my parents, aunts, cousins, former employees, friends and full support, gratitude, and backing from my owner and his family, which I consider a great blessing. I must be doing something right :)
9. Side note-I really miss Lara-not just because it is Valentine's Day and she was my greatest supporter this year, but because she was always providing this kind of support year round for me at work and out of work. Her emails bring me lots of laughs and tears and strength, especially during this time.
I am forever thankful for a job that pays the rent, my school loans, for a car I love, and for me to be able to take care of the people that I love. And for the people I love, thank you for all of the support you give to me not only just when I'm in Valentine's Day Zombie mode, but always!